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DC3 Byron Bullock Named Warrior of the Month

NRSW WWOTM - May 2024 DC2 Byron Bullock Web Thumbnail_1200x628.pngMay 29, 2024 | Story by Alyssa Ross | Navy Wounded Warrior

WASHINGTON - DC2 Byron Bullock's life turned on a time. He was out for a night with friends to catch a game and shoot pool at a bar. As they were heading to leave, other patrons started yelling in the corner of the room. Bullock turned to see the commotion when he was suddenly shot in the neck and fell to the ground. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and became victim to a stray bullet in a bar fight that went too far. Police and paramedics arrived on the scene and he was rushed to the hospital. 

Picture3.jpgBullock lost function in his dominant arm. He could no longer pick up his newborn daughter, play with his older daughter, or help his wife around the house. Dark clouds began to creep into his mind. 

"This wasn't my normal and I couldn't adjust right away to this new lifestyle," he said. 

Navy Wounded Warrior immediately reached out to Bullock after learning about his case. The staffers were among the first to assure him that everything would work out.

"My non-medical care team provided numerous resources while checking on the welfare of me and my family. They put me back on track with a new set of goals and supplied me with the tools needed to be nothing short of successful. I am deeply grateful for the support and camaraderie that this community provides. I'll always be thankful for the unwavering support of my care team and the dedicated members of Navy Wounded Warrior." 

He spent several weeks in the hospital and regained limited use of his right arm. He's still undergoing numerous appointments and surgeries and is still recovering from the mental trauma this has caused him and his family. Through it all, Bullock has kept a positive attitude and outlook in life. He cherishes the second chance he's been given in life.

Numquam Navigare Solus – Never to Sail Alone

Navy Wounded Warrior is an unbiased advocate that bridges the needs of commands, care teams, and service members in planning a way forward after a serious wound, illness, or injury. Staff guide Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, with their families and caregivers, to create a comprehensive recovery plan, which provides a holistic approach tailored to individual recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration needs. The program allows service members and their families to feel empowered and supported as they adapt to their new normal. Tens of thousands of seriously wounded, ill, and injured service members located throughout the country received assistance from Navy Wounded Warrior.

Sailors and Coast Guardsmen may self-refer to Navy Wounded Warrior, or be referred by a family member, their command leadership or their medical team. Contact the Navy Wounded Warrior call center at 855-NAVY WWP / 855-628-9997, or email


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